Twin Cheeks

Rear views 1986 - 94

I like to use unexpected surfaces or platforms, so chose the simple form of the bottom – painting, customizing, printing and photographing thirty posteriors.

Twin Cheeks was a live performance of  Bottom Printing, odes and poetry,  at the Freedom Cafe Theatre, Wardour Street, with Julian Clary and friends.  Published as a small book by Aurum Press with a foreword by Julian Clary and as greetings cards by Paperlink.

Photographers: Eddie Ephraums, Terry Richards, Katherine FawsettThanks to Carol Whitworth, Julian Clary, Baxter and super-models Rosa Dias, Lawrence, Sara Blonstein and the lovely Warren.

Tilby Twin Cheeks yashmak
tilby twincheeks pudding
tilby dinosaur orange 1986
tilby twincheeks peach
tilby twincheeks glitter
tilby twincheeks baby
tilby twincheeks spiral
twin cheeks mouse
Twin Cheeks micky
tilby twin cheeks tomato
Tilby Twin cheeks Julian print
Tilby Twin Cheeks Heart
Tilby Twin Cheeks Blue Dinosaur
tilby twincheeks baby
Tilby TwinCheek statue
Tilby Twin Cheeks Blancmange
Tilby Twin Cheeks Landscape
Tilby Twin Cheeks Specs